List of publications and conference presentations
Online Art Can talk Tuesday 23 January 2024 Conversations on Creative Process, Methods, Research and Practice: Feminist Approaches to Nurturing the Creative Self
Coffee and Chat with Kate Enters Art Can Instagram 23 November 2023
C Reading and J Moriarty ( 2023 ) Conversations on Creative Process, Methods, Research and Practice: Feminist Approaches to Nurturing the Creative Self, Routledge.
Reading C and Moriarty J Supporting a motivated creative practice via collaboration, dialogue and making: workshops to aid creative wellbeing Oxford Handbook of Mental Health and Contemporary Western Aesthetics( forthcoming 2023)
Reading C and Moriarty J Walking and Making: a collaborative autoethnography of our creative recoveries . Palgrave ( forthcoming 2023 )
C Reading Research Fellowship Creative change . Seed Funded Project for the CAW , Centre for Arts and well being, University of Brighton September 2021- ongoing
C Reading and J Moriarty ( 2022) Walking for Creative Recovery . Triage Press.
C Reading and J Moriarty (November 2020) - Maternity and Wellbeing Online Symposium , Centre for Arts and Wellbeing, University of Brighton. Contributor . Reclaiming the map. A report on a pilot project with the International Network of Women of Brighton and Hove.
Reading, C and Moriarty, J (2020) - Supporting our inner compass: an autoethnographic cartography. In Autoethnographies from the neoliberal academy: Rewilding, writing and resistance, Moriarty, J (Ed), Routledge: London
Reading, C and Moriarty, J (2020) Walking and mapping our creative recovery; An interdisciplinary method. In Autoethnographies from the neoliberal academy: Rewilding, writing and resistance (Moriarty, J Ed), Routledge: London.
Conference presentation and exhibition. Finding the inner compass: Mapping a way out of creative stuck places and personal change. Extraordinary and Everyday Utopias, shaping shared futures, Thursday 11 July 2019, Grand Parade, Brighton BN2 OJY
Reading, Christina and Moriarty, Jessica (2016) Linking creative processes with personal, vocational and academic development in cross-disciplinary workshops Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal, 1 (2) pp 848-859 ISSN 2040-2589
Reading, Christina, book contributor (2010). The Dukes 100. The story of the Duke of York’s Cinema
Blakemore, Helen and Reading, Christina (2010). Ebb and Flow: The evolution of the Creative Practice Doctorate. NAWE International Conference. Denver, USA.
Reading, Christina. and Moriarty, Jessica (2009) Telling their stories: Students’ experiences with creativity, In: From spark to flame: creating and sustaining motivation and inspiration in our learning community, 10 July 2009, Brighton, UK.
Moriarty, Jessica and Reading, C (2009) Linking creative practice to the Personal Development Agenda, In: Dialogues in Art and Design: Promoting and Sharing Excellence, York St John University, 21-22 October, 2009.
Moriarty, Jessica and Reading, Christina (2009) Telling their stories: students' experiences with creativity, CRD Research News, 24. p. 21.
Reading, Christina (2009) Sources of Inspiration: How design students learn from museum collections and other sources of inspiration. Art, Design in Higher Education 8(12).
Reading, Christina (2008) Final Report: Sources of Inspiration: How do design students learn from museum and archive collections? CELTD, Brighton.